
Real Estate Shortcodes
Below are all custom real estate shortcodes with example code and shortcode output.
Shortcode: Property Listing
The property listing shortcode comes with plenty of filters. The example below show all apartments (type) in london (location) that are for rent (status) with air conditioning (features), available from Sept 01 2014 (available_from), with a max price of 5000 (max_price) in a three column-layout (columns) with three properties per page (per_page).
[property_listing colums="3" per_page="3" location="london" status="rent" type="apartment" features="air-conditioning" max_price="5000" min_rooms="2" available_from="20140901"]
Compare Properties
Please create a page that is using page template "Property Comparison".
No Properties Found.
Make sure to use the slug for “location”, “status”, “type” and “features”. Format of “available_from” is: YYYYMMDD
Shortcode: Featured Properties
Properties can be set “Featured” with a single click from the property detail page.
[featured_properties columns="2"]

Argeles Holiday Rental: Luxury villa with pool / very big garden
Chemin de Taxo, 66690 Saint-André, France
In the charming village of Saint André, LoveYourStay is proud to present this fantastic Argeles Holiday Rental. Argeles Holiday Rental: ..

Property Let near Collioure: Pool, 12 br Mas for up to 31 people
By the charming village of Saint-Génis-des-Fontaines, LoveYourStay is proud to present this fantastic property let near Collioure. Property Let near ..
Shortcode: Single Property
Insert any single property anywhere on your site by referencing its post ID.
[single_property id="297"]
[single_property id="95"]
Shortcode: Agents
Use the following shortcode to display your entire team of agents on your “About” page or within a blog post.
[agents columns="3"]
Shortcode: Testimonials
Testimonials are created like a normal blog post.
[testimonials columns="2"]
"LoveYourStay staff have been amazing in helping us with our property. We had no idea the amount of income we were missing out on when we tried to market it ourselves. In the past, we spent so much time managing our property; it just didn’t seem worth it. Now our property is well taken care of and we don’t have to manage the clients renting the place – such a financial and time savings. I know we lost business not being able to communicate well in other languages to prospective clients,but the LoveYourStay team's prompt response time and multilingual skills enable us to take more clients and generally at higher prices than what I was able to get in the past."
Such a financial and time savings!
The Richardsons, Sonoma County, California
"I was searching for someone to help manage my apartment during the low season. Once I started with LoveYourStay it all worked out even better than I imagined, we now have a lot more well paid reservations than previous years when I had it with a standard agency. LoveYourStay has excellent people and language skills, a wonderful eye for creating the right ambiance and all general improvements to an apartment. The profits also paid for my own holiday and in 2015 I can invest in a new kitchen for the rental! I cannot recommend LoveYourStay more. They have been a joy to work with and I look forward to a long and successful future with this team."
Even better than I imagined
Steph, Ireland
"We have now completed one year of bookings for our house in Argeles Sur Mer, and what a successful year it has been. We had let our house out previously with another agency in Argeles Sur Mer but were very disappointed with the return. Since this team came on board we have never looked back. 100% satisfactory. We look forward to another equally successful year with LoveYourStay and recommend that anyone thinking of letting their holiday home should, without a doubt talk with them."
What a successful year!
The Pierce family, UK
Shortcode: Property Search Form
Fully customizable property search. Enable/disable any search field.
Shortcode: Map
Insert custom property maps anywhere on your site. Set location, zoom level, and map height.
[map address="London, UK" zoomlevel="13" height="400px"]
Shortcode: Latest Posts
Show a preview of your latest blog posts anywhere on your site. Set number of posts and columns.
[latest_posts posts="3" columns="2"]